Esnna Code
The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru has reaffirmed its commitment against the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents through the implementation of the Code of Conduct against ESNNA. This initiative aims to raise awareness and train all stakeholders in the Peruvian tourism sector to prevent and eradicate the sexual exploitation of minors under 18 years old. The main focus is on creating awareness and providing comprehensive training to ensure active participation by all in preventing this issue.

The ESNNA Program and Our Commitment

This program in the social development and protection policy for vulnerable populations, led by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur), aims to raise awareness and train the entire tourism sector in the country to prevent and ultimately eliminate the sexual exploitation of minors. Recently, we have obtained the CALTUR Certification – Level 2, also from Mincetur, demonstrating our alignment with the most demanding government regulations to ensure optimal tourism quality. In the specific case of authorized and certified travel agencies like RIQCHARY CUSCO, the ESNNA program requires adherence to a Code of Conduct, established in collaboration with Mincetur. This code demands that the company disseminate the initiative, its rules, and objectives, and provide adequate training to both staff and providers. The company commits to following all the requirements of the Code in its operation. Despite child trafficking remaining a significant issue in Peru, we are contributing to combat it by promoting ethically responsible tourism. RIQCHARY CUSCO seeks to generate development, economic activity, and improve the quality of life in the destinations we visit. Our commitment to the ESNNA program also contributes to reducing and eventually eradicating the sexual exploitation of minors in these tourist areas.

Concrete Actions – ESNNA Code

«Adherence to the ESNNA Code of Conduct commits us to consistently implement a series of actions that are carried out and reinforced as part of our activities.

Our office staff, as well as logistics personnel (guides, chefs, drivers, porters), are already adequately trained to contribute to the Code of Conduct. We do not, under any circumstances, offer or entertain any requests related to sexual tourism involving children or adolescents, both for ethical and legal reasons, to both national and foreign tourists.

In the same vein, we work in collaboration with our partners (hotels, restaurants, etc., and all their staff) to ensure the objectives and commitments of the ESNNA program are met in all sectors and stages of the tourism services we provide.

All of us at RIQCHARY CUSCO, as well as our partners in our operations, are committed to enforcing the ESNNA Code of Conduct and reporting to the authorities when necessary.

The actions of the ESNNA code and RIQCHARY CUSCO are highlighted and given priority within our social responsibility policies. We aim for tourism to be an activity that brings only benefits to the region and the country, in accordance with the stipulations in our mission, vision, and corporate values.»

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